Wednesday, August 05, 2009

New Beginnings! Second post for the evening....

Well I said I have been going through some things this last month well.....let me give you a little clue...

Got it yet!!??? Well yep! That is me....well that is not me in the picture lol but I found out that I have a little one on the way. Lord have I been going through it! Mentally and physically...been sick!!! Had to get some meds to help with that. Thank you Jesus for those!! Lol. Mentally...just trying to figure out am I ready for this?? Am I ready to raise a child???

I know I tend to over stress so my goal right now it to minimize all stress and just pray and let God do the rest. I was feeling really really sad at one time...have to realize my life hasn't stopped, I must keep moving and living. It's not easy but things are getting better each day and my outlook is getting brighter. :) Keep me in your prayers!!

Much love! God bless you!!


Book said...

..Alrite now Chari!

James Tubman said...

whenever a woman has a child its a blessing (maybe not everytime)

its a great gift that God has given you