Sunday, November 30, 2008

Ask... believe... receive...

Long time no type...again! lol

Hope everyone is enjoying their Thanksgiving holiday!!!

This is an email I received today:

Ask... believe... receive...

While it seems simple enough, activating the Law of Attraction is
not necessarily a walk in the park. You must own it and take
responsibility for every step of the process.

First, there's the responsibility that comes with asking. When you
ask the universe for something, you must ask for something that's
in alignment with who you are and what you're willing to
contribute back to the planet.

Your gifts are not for you to keep -- they're given to you with
other people in mind. When you're given a gift, the real question is,
who are you going to bless with that gift?

When I was in college, I realized in a moment of prayer that my
gift of speech wasn't about me. My gift of speaking and inspiration
came to me and through me to touch someone else.

So when you ask for something from the universe, remember, it's
coming to you and through you to bless someone else.

Secondly, when you make a request to the universe, you must
eliminate all doubt. The universe is not to be doubted. God is not
to be doubted.

You must believe with unwavering faith that the universe will
fulfill your desires when you are ready to receive them.

Which means, finally, that you must give yourself permission to

How many opportunities have passed you by because either you
weren't ready to receive or you didn't feel worthy to receive?

There was a time when I was asking the universe for love. I
believed I wanted love. Yet when people wanted to love me, I
deflected their intentions and affections, because I wasn't ready to
receive love.

It's your responsibility to activate all three steps of the Law of
-- and all at the same time -- because without even one
working, all invariably fail.

So when you ask... ask for things that are in alignment with you
are... and ask to serve the universe.

When you believe... believe as if it is so... have unwavering faith
in relationship to it.

Finally, be ready to receive... give yourself personal permission to
own, embrace, and celebrate whatever greatness the universe is
bringing to you as a result of your request.

-Lisa Nichols

She is cold with the Law of Attraction when you have time!

Miss you guys!

Have a good one folks!


Anonymous said...

Just found your blog so I'll check back.

clnmike said...

That was interesting.

Rich Fitzgerald said...

You seem to be like me these days -- jumping in and out on the posting scene.

Mizrepresent said...

Oh, i love this!