Well I was talking to my coworker today....ok, so I all of these talents right. I want to pursue them all and be successful in those areas. BUT I have heard time and time again, that you can't be a jack of all trades. Well, if you are a jack of all trades, you will be a master or none.
Now I seriously don't know where I stand on this issue. I just about refuse to believe I can't be successful with all of my talents....but then I don't know.... :(
From your experiences...what do you believe/know???
I believe that with determination...ANYTHING'S POSSIBLE!!
So I say as long as you believe in YOU then...make it happen sistah girl!!! :-)
i actually talked to helen little last year and the reason why I started the RBW blog... you should read my sidebar with the steps for becoming a renaissance black woman... it will give a glimpse of what she said to me...
you can do it all sis... and dont ans shouldnt have to bottle up any of your talents!
I'm still trying to figure the same thang out, MysTery...I'll let ya know when I'm the successful JackLYN of ALL trades;-). Glad u like my new spot: CapChaUinLuv, too;-).
i feel like this all the time. you can do anything you set your mind to girl. :-)
All things are possible through God in Christ Jesus. DO what you do, if the Lord be with you, you are all good!
You can be successful at whatever you want and as many things as you are good at but it may not always be easy.
Only you know just how much you can handle.
I don't see anything wrong with being a jack of all trades but a master of none. If that is how it stands.
I with the crew, I don't buy into that rhetoric because I plan to do everything that I believe I can do.
Remember the parable of the talents.? To some he gave 1, to some he gave 5, and to some he gave 10. Either way, he expected a return on all that he gave. Do your thang. Start checking off that list.
Hey thanks for stopping by. I get too bored doing one thing well. I like to do multiple things to keep my interest. Love your blog.
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